Making a personal insurance claim 

Get back on track as quickly as possible after loss or damage, with step-by-step instructions for making a claim against your property, vehicle, or travel insurance.


Whether you’re dealing with a burglary, fire, or accident, damage or loss to your property can be upsetting. Getting your claim sorted out as quickly as possible can help you put the incident behind you.  

How to make a claim:

  1. Take photos of the damage- for example photograph the point of entry or exist for burglary, or damaged laptop. 
  2. Take steps to minimise the loss or damage as possible-for example, removing the damaged items from a flooded room, or securing broken locks after a burglary.
  3. Complete our online claim form providing brief circumstances, time and date of incident, so we can notify the insurance company immediately. 
  4. Attached on the claim form appropriate support documents- such as photos, quotes for replacement or repair, receipt from original purchase, and invoice for emergency repairs. 
  5. For burglary or theft incidents, notify the police immediately, noting the police reference and contact details of the officer in the claim form.
  6. Contact your servicing broker in case you require further assistance. The broker’s contact details are on our website.

Motor Vehicle

Don’t let vehicle damage or theft disrupt your life. If you’re involved in a car accident or your vehicle is stolen, make a claim as quickly as possible and we’ll help you get back on the road.

How to make a claim:

  1. Submit a claim form as soon as you’re aware of loss or damage, so we can notify your insurance company.  ​
  2. Take steps to mitigate the loss as much as possible. 
  3. If the accident involved another person, make sure you do not admit liability to the other driver. ​
  4. Record the details of the other driver on your claim form (including vehicle registration, licence, and contact details) so we can review liability and arrange contact. ​​
  5. Notify ICIB of your chosen repairer – your insurance company will make contact with them to approve the repairs.  ​


Travel insurance helps protect you against the unexpected when you’re away from home. If something goes wrong while you’re travelling, make a claim as soon as possible so we can help make it right.​

How to make a claim:

  1. Submit a claim form as soon as you become aware of loss or damage, so we can notify your insurance company.​​
  2. Include any relevant supporting documentation – this could include your full itinerary, invoices for flight or hotel bookings, emails from carriers, medical certificates, receipts or proof of ownership.​