With extensive industry knowledge and a real appreciation for the art of brewing, we’re perfectly placed to create a bespoke risk management solution for your brewing business. Our policies take price fluctuations, contamination, machinery breakdowns and other brewer-specific risks into account – and we can customise your policy to include factors specific to your business.
Whether you’re managing a boutique brewery or a major beer producer, our in-depth knowledge and specialist coverage protects you against the unexpected.
We have partnered with the Brewers Guild of New Zealand, to help local brewers look after their investment through a bespoke insurance programme which offers special benefits to Brewers Guild members.
We are also proud sponsors of the Brewers Guild of NZ Awards.
To find out more about protecting your brewery with ICIB Brokerweb, talk to our Brewers insurance specialist Leeanne Hunter on 021 319 378.